Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are crucial practices in modern software development. Jenkins, an open-source automation server, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating these workflows. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the seamless process of installing and running Jenkins using Docker Compose but before that let us know what is jenkins and Docker compose.
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Table of Contents
What is Jenkins?
Jenkins is a Java-based open-source automation tool that was designed specifically for the purpose of Continuous Integration. Plugins are built specifically for Jenkins. It makes it easier for developers to integrate changes into the project and makes it easier for users to get a fresh build by continuously building and testing your software projects using it. Additionally, it enables you to continually distribute your software by integrating with a wide variety of testing and deployment tools, which you may access whenever you want.
What is Docker Compose?
The Docker Compose tool lets you set up and operate Docker apps that use more than one container. More than one Docker container needs to work together as part of a program. This tool makes managing them easier.
Why Use Jenkins Docker Compose?
Docker Compose simplifies the setup and management of multi-container applications. By encapsulating Jenkins and its dependencies within containers, we ensure consistency and portability across different environments.
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Before diving in, make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine. If not, you can install them from the official Docker website.
Setting Up Jenkins Docker Compose
Step 1: Create a Docker Compose File
Make a file with the name docker-compose.yml and update it with the following content:
This configuration specifies a Jenkins service with a persistent volume for storing Jenkins data and exposes Jenkins on port 8080.
Step 2: Run Jenkins Docker Compose
After locating the directory that has the docker-compose.yml file, run the following command:
This command pulls the Jenkins Docker image and starts the Jenkins service in detached mode.
Step 3: Access Jenkins Web Interface
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. You’ll be prompted to enter an initial admin password.
Retrieve the password from the Jenkins container logs using:
Copy the password and paste it into the web interface.
Step 4: Install Recommended Plugins
Select the “Install suggested plugins” option to install the plugins recommended for Jenkins.
Step 5: Create an Admin User
After you have created an admin user, click “Save and Finish.”
Step 6: Start Using Jenkins
Click “Start using Jenkins” to access the Jenkins dashboard.
Upgrading Versions
To upgrade to the latest versions just modify the tag of the image in your Jenkins docker-compose yml file, for example:
Bonus Tips
Persisting Data
The Jenkins Docker Compose file includes a volume (jenkins_home) for persisting Jenkins data. This ensures that your Jenkins configurations and jobs are not lost when the container is stopped.
Customizing Jenkins Configuration
You can customize Jenkins configurations by adding additional settings to the docker-compose.yml file. Refer to the Jenkins Docker GitHub repository for advanced configurations.
In the article, we learned how to install Jenkins Docker compose tool. We requested that you configure it to work with a drive so that you may save the instance data even after restarting it. By leveraging Jenkins Docker Compose, you’ve effortlessly set up a powerhouse for automating your CI/CD pipelines. As you explore Jenkins’ features and integrate them into your development workflows, remember the scalability and consistency that containerization brings to your CI/CD infrastructure.
As you delve into the feature-rich Jenkins ecosystem, explore its vast plugin library, and integrate it seamlessly into your development workflows, remember that the power of Docker Compose lies in its ability to provide a consistent, reproducible environment for your CI/CD pipelines. This is only the beginning of the capabilities that Jenkins Docker Composer offers. Finally, you can see how the tool helps you manage CI/CD infrastructure. It is time to get started with Jenkins Docker Compose now in order to expand the benefits that were discussed above in your process.