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Docker CleanUp: Everything You Need to Know

Docker, the powerhouse of containerization, empowers developers to streamline application deployment. However, over time, Docker environments can accumulate unused images, containers, and volumes, hogging precious disk space. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the intricacies of Docker cleanup. From removing stale images and containers to tidying up lingering volumes, this guide provides step-by-step solutions to do Docker Cleanup. Whether you’re a Docker novice or a seasoned pro, optimizing your Docker environment is crucial for efficiency and resource management. Before that let us understand what is Docker.

SupportFly is one of the reliable docker consulting service providers that can assist you with every step of the procedure if you want to deal with this issue in an easy and trouble-free manner.

What is Docker?

Docker is a platform that was developed with the objective of simplifying the process of developing, deploying, and operating software that makes use of containers. Containers make it possible for developers to ship out a program along with all of the components it requires, such as libraries and other dependencies, in a single package by bundling everything together. This guarantees that the application will operate without any issues or errors, irrespective of the environment in which it is being deployed.

Docker uses a client-server architecture with a command-line interface (CLI) that interacts with the Docker daemon, responsible for building, running, and managing containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and can run on any machine that has Docker installed, making it an ideal solution for developing, testing, and deploying applications across various environments.

How to Clean Up Docker: A Step-by-Step Guide

Over time, as you work with Docker, you may accumulate unused containers, images, and other artifacts that consume valuable disk space. Cleaning up Docker resources is essential for maintaining system performance and managing storage efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do Docker cleanup:

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Why is Docker cleanup important? 

If you use Docker for software development, you most likely run many containers, which results in the generation of new images and the allocation of a significant amount of storage space on your disk to things that you do not require.

In case you do not solve the storage problem at the correct time, your root directory will quickly use all of the disk space that is now available. When you maximize, there is a possibility that your system will not function correctly or will crash frequently.

This might cause problems in day-to-day operations and leave you at risk of data breaches. If you have any private information or sensitive data stored in containers using Docker:

  • Install essential information in the appropriate folders locally.
  • Create a backup of all of your important data and files.
  • Perform the Docker cleanup process regularly.

How to clean up Docker resources

When doing Docker cleanup, you should begin by running the following commands to check out all of the available resources:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Delete all these resources one by one.

1. Removing Docker images

Removing Docker images is one of the important steps of Docker cleanup, which helps in enhancing the system performance. Docker images can be considered as templates that include the actual program as well as all of the dependencies (multi-layered files that are required to run programs within a container) that are necessary in order to run the program on Docker.

During the process of producing an image, it may go through a number of different modifications. Images that have become outdated and overloaded your system, taking up valuable storage space and making searches more difficult.

Before you delete a Docker image, you will first require a list of images in order to acquire information about the image you want to delete, such as its ID and name.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Now, to delete the image that has been selected (using its image ID), use the following command:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Remove multiple images

To delete multiple images at the same time, you will require image IDs and must provide a list of them as follows:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Remove all images at once

If you want to remove all of the images, just run the following command:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Remove dangling images

Dangling images are layers that are not connected to any identified images in any way. They are no longer relevant and take up unneeded space on the disk. You may locate them by using the docker images command and setting the -f filter parameter of that command to the setting dangling=true.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Removing Docker images with filters

Docker includes two filters: the until filter and the label filter. Even though there aren’t many, Docker’s resource management features are very effective.

Use the until filter to remove any and all resources that relate to a particular time period.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Using -a in this context will delete any and all images that have been created during the previous 12 hours. This command can be used to work with containers, images, and filters all at the same time. It works with Unix timestamps, date-formatted timestamps, and durations that are calculated from machine time. It will help to boost system performance and make the docker cleanup process more effective.

Use the label command to delete any assets that have been labeled.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Using this command will make your work easier. It removes any Docker images that have been selected as “unused.”

 A list of all the label commands:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Check Out: Our blog post on got permission denied while trying to connect to the docker daemon socket

2. Remove Container

Docker containers are instances of images that are running, and multiple containers may be begun from the same one. Containers are typically not very large due to the fact that they are stateless and reference the file system of the image. To view all containers, both those that are running and those that have been stopped, enter:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

A container can’t be deleted if it’s been stopped. Containers can be stopped by entering:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

The following commands can then be used to delete containers:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Another thing to remember is that you can add as many container names or IDs as you want, divided by spaces. Stopped containers are hardly needed to be kept. You can add the –rm option to any docker run command to delete a container immediately when it terminates.

3. Removing Docker volumes

Docker volume is a feature that was introduced in Docker Engine 1.13.18 that enables users to generate, mount, and share filesystems. Docker volume was initially developed by Docker Inc. You will store and mount photos while the program is running if you have this capacity. The most common uses for this feature are in application containers, where it can serve as a working directory and as a storage media for data files and databases.

Use the following command to obtain a list of Docker volumes that are currently available:

Note: The commands listed below apply to Docker 1.9 and later.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Remove one or more specific volumes 

If you want to delete one or more volumes, you can do so with this docker volume command:

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Remove dangling volumes

A dangling volume is an existing volume that is detached from any container.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker

Dangling volumes can be removed with the use of the docker volume prune command.

Docker cleanup: Removing Images, containers, and volumes in Docker


The key to effective Docker cleanup is not only to free up space on your disc; rather, it is to keep the environment in which your applications run as clean as possible. Regularly getting Docker cleanup activities ensures that processes run smoothly, that resources are utilized most effectively, and that the Docker experience is free of clutter. Select the Docker cleanup method that best fits your requirements, and dedicate oneself to mastering the art of Docker clutter reduction.